data tables

Weather during months

The table displays weather during months and shoulder season for each destination.

This info is based on online research and it is only for the specific location in the article. Doublecheck the info in other sources.

Travel difficulty level

This info is based on online research and it is only for the specific location in the article. Doublecheck the info in other sources.

Cities where people speak English and touristy beach locations where you only go to a hotel and to the beach are generally easy. 

There are more factors for difficulty like language, cultural norms, safety and health research, reliability of local infrastructure, …

LGBTQIA+ info for tourists

This info is based on online research and it is only for the specific location in the article. Doublecheck the info in other sources.

Unfortunately, not all regions in the world are LGBTQIA+ friendly. Generally, touristy areas and big cities are more open minded than rural areas in most countries so check info for specific locations where you plan to travel.